Croatia – Zagreb

IX. Gimnazija

The ninth gymnasium is a general-programm secondary school founded in 1945. The building was built in 1956 by UNESCO. There are approximately 500 students in 20 classes. We share the building with the Second economic high school by working in two shifts. Seven school hours are held per day, one class lasts 45 minutes and after every class there is a 5-minute break. The big break lasts 15 minutes. Four foreign languages can be studied at our school: English, German, Italian and French. Every year students achieve great results in the high school graduation exam and enroll in their preferred faculties. During the year, many competitions, extra-curricular activities and elective programs are held, which aim to encourage the student’s creativity, mutual respect and cooperation between students and teachers. Some of these activities are: the school choir,  first aid, voluntary work, astronomy, sign language, creative workshops, Russian and more. It is extremely important to all of us that our students, apart from getting a high-quality education, develop their potentials as much as possible.